Our SAP Sustainability Footprint Management was developed to make data-driven business decisions, based on centralized information, and analytic tool-derived insights. Having a comprehensive picture of which region, business line, process, or product is causing the highest emissions allows you to take informed actions towards meeting the goal of reducing your carbon footprint.

Together with SAP, we co-developed the new SAP Sustainability Footprint Management, which will be an addition to the Sustainability Suite of SAP and is fully connected to all your SAP systems. All the functionalities and features of the BearingPoint Emissions Calculator are migrated into the new SAP environment to boost your carbon accounting experience.

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  • Easy and modular Adaptation to your Business Needs
  • Seamless Integration into your IT Landscape
  • Receive a comprehensive Overview of your Scope 1, 2 & 3 Emissions
  • Calculate your Product, Process and Corporate Footprint

Our SAP Sustainability Footprint Management enables you to calculate your Process, Product and Corporate Carbon Footprint in one Application

Feature #1

Assess the Carbon Footprint of every single Product

An extremely valuable but often challenging task is comparing the emissions of single products across all components and production sites. Visibility at product-level for thousands of products allows you to answer key questions about your business:

  • How much CO2e does the production of one unit of Product 1 create?
  • How high is the impact of areas such as raw material acquisition or transportation on the production of one unit of a given product?
  • Plant A and Plant B are both producing the same product. However, emissions to produce one unit of Product 1 are 10% higher in Plant A than in Plant B. What is the reason for this deviation? Is it distance to supplier, production inefficiencies, distance to market?

These comparisons help you to detect inefficiencies easily, perform industry benchmarks, and incorporate sustainability indicators into marketing campaigns and sustainability reports.

Feature #2

Track your Process Carbon Footprint

An example of a process carbon footprint is assessing the CO2 emissions and other air pollutants from transportation. Our application helps to assess emissions for all modes of transportation and even for passenger transportation. Common key questions are:

  • What are my total emissions from (upstream) transportation?
  • Which transport produces the largest amount of CO2?
  • What are the saving potentials from performing a mode shift?
  • What impact can I expect from implementing new technologies (e-trucks, LNG ships, etc.)?

You can find more information and use cases about Carbon Emissions on Freight TransportationBusiness Trips and Facility-related Operations. If other components become relevant later, those can be easily integrated thanks to the modular setup of our SAP Sustainability Footprint Management.

Feature #3

Quantify the entire Range of Corporate Emissions

Do you know which regions or plants are responsible for the highest emissions in your company? What are the emissions of your entire value chain, and which business line is causing the most emissions? What you need to do to reduce your carbon footprint effectively by the year 2030?

Well, let’s find out together!

Our software works as an Emissions Control Center by providing management dashboards. These pre-configured dashboards pinpoint your company’s energy and carbon drivers in one single view. Also, the embedded prediction feature indicates if you will meet emission reduction goals or not.

The SAP Sustainability Footprint Management is not only a Reporting Software – It also comes with Services to help you along the way! 

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