Three new feature to make your work easier and more efficient

With a growing number of businesses in need of efficient asset management in order to streamline their operations, provides an excellent solution for fleet, equipment, and tools management. The cloud-based platform offers three new features to improve its system further, making it more comprehensive and user-friendly for organizations of all sizes.

Searching for resources by using classifications in planning board

The first feature is a search option enabled in the planning board that allows dispatchers to locate resources easily. With this new feature, looking for a specific type of resource has become less time-consuming, and dispatchers can filter the results based on specific classifications. For instance, dispatchers can look for technical specifications by simply typing the respective attribute and that way finding the perfect resource.

Bundle Management

Furthermore, now includes the bundle management. This new feature allows users to manage bundles effectively, which can be a combination of several types of resources. The system can handle the compliance status of each resource effectively, thus, streamlining its replenishment and completeness inspection. The bundle management feature also makes it easier for users to plan the requirement of combined inventory in the mobile app.

Flexible state handling for sending and returning resources

Additionally, the third feature is the flexible state handling used for sending and returning resources. has introduced a new flexible state selection feature that makes it easier for users to select the required state when booking a resource during handovers. This feature is suited for operations requiring the assignment of specific states to a resource, and it allows easy handover management, reducing the error rate and promoting operational efficiency.

In conclusion,, as advanced SAP cloud-based solution, provides an integrated and comprehensive approach to fleet, equipment, and tool management. With its innovative features such as the advanced search, bundle management, and flexible state handling, users can manage their assets more effectively and efficiently. The platform’s ease of use makes it an excellent choice for businesses of all sizes who want to streamline their operations and improve their bottom line.

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